SCYC members are invited to join the Hilton Head Harbor 20 Fleet every Wednesday afternoon. Meet on the docks and plan for a wonderful time on the water!

The Club hosts three major annual regattas each year:

  • Harbor 20 Spring Regatta – held in May of each year.
  • Spar Wars Regatta – held in August of each year.
  • Ocean Challenge – held in October of each year.

For more information, please visit their website: http://harbor20hh.com

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Les laboratoires du monde entier testent actuellement plusieurs dizaines de médicaments contre le coronavirus. Ils se répartissent en trois grands types. Tout d’abord, il y a les molécules déjà connues incluses dans les médicaments existants, que les pharmacologues tentent d’adapter pour traiter le COVID-19.
